Like most churches, CBFNC churches regardless of the size, need more staff resources than the available financial resources. Our current, post-pandemic context will require new staffing models.
Dan Hotchkiss is a consultant with the Congregational Consulting Group, made up of consultants with the old Alban Institute. Several years ago, I invited him to North Carolina to lead a workshop on “Governance and Ministry.”
In the following article, Dan describes an approach to staffing that might benefit many CBFNC partner congregations. In the middle of the article he also addresses governance issues, which might distract a little from the topic of staffing. But in my conversations with church leaders, many churches are also struggling to find a more effective approach to governance.
Regardless of whether your church is ready to tackle that challenge, his staffing ideas are worth considering.
Read Dan’s article, Staffing When You Can’t Afford to Staff