March 27-28, 2025

Pritchard at South End, Charlotte

(1117 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC)

We Baptists value freedom and autonomy. These are some of our strengths. But extreme autonomy can lead to isolationism.
At our best, we cherish our freedom while devoting ourselves to cooperating with others in pursuit of God’s mission in the world. In a world full of division, the basis of our cooperation is not agreement on all issues, but a shared commitment to cooperate with each other in our service to Jesus Christ. What we can all agree on, cooperate with, and respond to, is our belief in serving Christ and one another.

Based on Galatians 5:13, “Through love serve one another,” we will celebrate, explore and discover new ways of Serving Together as a fellowship during Annual Gathering 2025. We hope you will make plans to join us for the entire two days or for the sessions that fit your schedule for a time of connecting, worshiping and learning together.

Meet the Keynote Speakers

Rev. Dr. Victoria White

Managing Director of Grants and Awards at Leadership Education, Duke Divinity School

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Rev. Dr. White is the keynote leader/speaker for Leadership Forum on Thursday, March 27 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. She facilitates capacity building within traditionally marginalized and under-resourced institutions serving pastors and congregations. Victoria regularly speaks, writes, consults and coaches on topics such as wicked problems, design thinking, strategy and sustainability, Christian social entrepreneurship, traditioned innovation, faith-rooted leadership, and holy friendship. She is an ordained pastor within the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and is the author of “Holy Friendships: Nurturing Relationships that Sustain Pastors and Leaders.”

During Leadership Forum, Victoria will lead three sessions on:

  • Why Holy Friendships Matter
  • Holy Friendships and The Work We Are Called To Do
  • Holy Friendships In The Face of Crisis and Change

Rev. Bill Stanfield

Founder and CEO of Metanoia

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Rev. Bill Stanfield is a founder and CEO of Metanoia, a ministry begun by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of South Carolina in 2002 within the zip codes of South Carolina with the highest concentrations of child poverty. The organization has become a leader in development efforts that are rooted in a process of listening constantly to communities and walking with families in those neighborhoods to build on their own strengths and release their brilliance. Metanoia does this in areas of youth leadership development, economic development and affordable housing. Bill is also an associate minister at St. Matthew Baptist Church, a National Baptist Congregation that also houses Metanoia’s programs. He has strong ties to North Carolina Baptists, having grown up within First Baptist, Greensboro and being involved in Baptist student ministries at Campbell University and UNC Chapel Hill.

Bill will be preaching in the Opening Worship Session on Thursday, March 27 from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m.

Rev. Anita Thompson

Pastor, First Baptist, Wadesboro

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Rev. Anita Thompson began her ministry as pastor of First Baptist, Wadesboro on June 1, 2024. Previously she served on the ministry staff of First Baptist, Ahoskie for 22 years in the roles of associate pastor and minister of music. With her childhood congregation’s (FBC Ahoskie) blessing, she said yes to God’s call on her life and pursued an education which would support full time ministry, first in music and worship, then, as her calling broadened, in an associate pastor role. One of her greatest joys is weaving and leading thoughtful, participatory worship services; another is ministry with children. Anita has been active in CBFNC life throughout her ministry and has previously served on the CBFNC Coordinating Council.

Anita will be preaching in the Closing Worship Session on Friday, March 28 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.

Leadership Forum

Program Book


Annual Gathering 2025 Schedule

Thursday, March 27

10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Leadership Forum
1:00 p.m. Registration & Exhibit Hall Open
2:30 p.m. Welcome Gathering
3:30 p.m. Workshop Session 1
5:00 p.m. Celebration Dinner & Fellowship
(Homestyle dinner buffet at the church, which includes celebrating Larry Hovis’ 20th anniversary as CBFNC’s executive coordinator.)
6:15 p.m. Opening Worship


Friday, March 28

8:00 a.m. Registration & Exhibit Hall Open
8:45 a.m. Morning Gathering
9:30 a.m. Workshop Session 2
10:45 a.m. Workshop Session 3
11:45 a.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. Annual Business Meeting & Closing Worship

Hotel Block Information

You may reserve your hotel room in the CBFNC room block at the Element Charlotte. The hotel is located just four blocks or 0.4 miles from Pritchard Church. We will be offering a shuttle between the church and this specific hotel on Thursday evening after worship as well as on Friday morning until check out time. This allows folks who wish to park for FREE to stay parked at the church overnight and not pay to park at the hotel.
You must book your room(s) by February 24, 2025 in order to receive the discounted event rate.


Reserve your room(s) at this link: Element Reservation with group code: CBFNC

Divinity Student Event

Join us for a special Seminarian Network Lunch on Friday, March 28 during Annual Gathering. Lunch will take place at a local restaurant near Pritchard.

There is no cost but we need to know who to expect. Select “Divinity School Event” on the Annual Gathering registraton form to attend. You may also be our guest for Thursday’s dinner. To do so, select the “Thursday Dinner” package option and enter the promo code found on the form during check-out. If you wish to attend other portions of Annual Gathering, you must also register for those separately.

Mission Project

We are excited to offer an educational and hands-on mission opportunity available for 20 participants during this year’s Annual Gathering. This will take place on Friday, March 28 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (during Workshop Sessions 2 & 3). It will be an off-site, field trip experience to the Charlotte Rescue Mission. This sessions includes a tour of the facility, serving a meal to residents, packing care kits and hearing from a panel of employees and residents on ways our fellowship of churches can incorporate addiction recovery programs and awareness.

Transportation & complimentary lunch included with this offering. The group will arrive back at Pritchard in time for the Annual Business Meeting & Closing Worship.

To sign up, select the “Mission Project” package on the Annual Gathering registration form.

See What Annual Gathering is All About



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