The Church Sustainability Initiative (CSI) focuses on working alongside congregations to discern their next, most faithful step and explore new pathways for churches by examining their sustainability and vitality.
After listening to churches across the state, we have identified seven compelling stories of congregations that serve as models for potential pathways forward. These pathways include:
- Resetting ministry with a specified and nuanced focus.
- Ending well and becoming a legacy church.
- Developing revenue-based space partnerships.
- Selling church facilities while restarting with a new approach.
- Sharing space with other congregations.
- And more.
The initiative also examines the mythology around hiring young ministers to bring young people back to the church and what happens when a congregation lacks the drive to fulfill its biggest aspirations.
As a collaboration between CBF Global and CBF North Carolina, the CSI is not a fluffy discernment process. Still, it is intended to equip congregations with the tools to strategically assess their vision/mission, leadership and volunteerism, finances and properties, and then cultivate pathways.