
CBFNC is grateful for the faithful, generous support of our fellowship.  The 2024–2025 Mission and Ministry Funding Plan (MMFP) is noteworthy for several reasons:

Prudent Management – The 2024–2025 MMFP is only one percent more than the previous year, excluding Lilly grants. Though our nation has experienced a significant period of inflation, CBFNC continues, through prudent management, to provide effective ministry in a challenging financial environment.

Sources of Income – Churches still supply a significant majority of CBFNC’s income. The impact of the pandemic, as well as other factors, has caused some churches to reduce giving to CBFNC. CBFNC has been successful at growing other sources of income, including individuals, grants, investment earnings, sponsorships and fees. However, it is very likely that reserve funds will be required again to fully fund the budget at this level.

Lilly Endowment Grants – CBFNC was recently awarded two new Lilly Endowment, Inc. grants in addition to the successful Helping Pastors Thrive grant that has been operational for five years. Reflected in this plan, these grants are:

Helping Churches Thrive – This program will form learning communities of congregations to support general thriving, as well as two areas of focus – ministry with young adults and
long-term sustainability.

Compelling Preaching – This program, conducted in partnership with the General Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, will strengthen the preaching of our ministers.

Partners – CBFNC is the largest single funder of partners in the entire CBF network. If the 2024-2025 MMFP is fully funded, over $1,000,000, or approximately 40% of the total (excluding Lilly grants), will support ministry partners. This level of funding is unsustainable if we are to maintain our primary ministries to support ministers and churches and reach young adults. Therefore, the Coordinating Council directed the Partnership Development Team to conduct an assessment of partner funding with the goal of reducing it to 30% of the total one year from now, with the 2025-2026 budget. With these changes anticipated next year, partner funding levels are unchanged in this plan.

Personnel – CBFNC staff costs, which are primarily ministry expenses, are much lower, as a percent of the total, than most churches or similar non-profit organizations.

The MMFP was approved during the Annual Business Meeting of the CBFNC Annual Gathering on March 15, 2024.

Click HERE to view the 2024–2025 Mission and Ministry Funding Plan.


2023-2024 Identity & Impact Report




Read our 2023-2024 Identity & Impact Report to learn more about CBFNC and how we use your gifts to pursue God’s mission in our state and beyond.
Please share this report with others in your church, ministry and community.

  • View It Online: Click HERE to view CBFNC’s 2023-2024 Identity & Impact report on Issuu.com.
  • Download a PDF: Click HERE to download a PDF of the 2023-2024 Identity & Impact report.
  • Download the One Sheet HERE to give you a snapshot of CBFNC’s accomplishments from 2023-2024.


(Access our Annual Report archives HERE.)


Lolley Fund for Theological Education

The goal of the Lolley Fund for Theological Education is to support men and women preparing for Christian ministry enrolled in seminary or divinity schools who have a commitment to serving in Baptist congregations and ministries. The Lolley Fund is an initiative of the Endowment Management Board of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina.

Candidates for the scholarships must be nominated by submitting this form and a letter of nomination. Factors that contribute to suitability include (1) evidence of a strong commitment to Christian vocation; (2) an active record of leadership and/or participation in a Baptist congregation; (3) exceptional promise for leadership and vocational ministry, and (4) demonstrated maturity in character, personal integrity and intellectual acuity. The Lolley Awards are merit awards, and reflect CBFNC’s commitment to supporting theological students who embody the highest values and commitments of our congregations.

Click here to download a nomination form.

Contact our office at 336.759.3456 for more information.

Mission and Ministry Endowment Fund

From the generous gift of a church that closed its doors, the CBFNC Coordinating Council established the New Church Starts Endowment Fund. As it grows in value, the goal of this fund is to finance new church starts.

Your gifts to this fund will help CBFNC spread the Good News of Jesus throughout the state of North Carolina.

CBF of North Carolina Endowment Fund

Your gifts to a CBFNC endowment fund can plant seeds of blessing, of hope, and of help.  Designate a gift for scholarships, new church starts, or where it is most needed. Please remember CBFNC in your will or estate plan. 

Contact Jim Hylton at (336) 759-3456 or finance@cbfnc.org for more information.

Gifts from individual supporters established this endowment fund to supplement the CBFNC annual operating budget. Gifts to this fund assist all areas of CBFNC ministry as we strive to join the work of God in the world.

Learn More About CBF North Carolina