CBFNC partners with many churches and individuals with ministries to immigrant populations. There are policy changes happening in our country that directly impact the ministries of CBFNC and our partner congregations, especially ministries to our immigrant neighbors.  Our staff is continually cultivating resources to help our pastors and our churches respond to the refugee and immigration policy changes. We have compiled information from a number of trusted resources to offer guidance.  We will update this list frequently.
Remember to check back regularly for new information.


CBFNC Immigrant/Refugee Ministry Contacts

Randy Carter
Pastor of Temple Baptist Church in Durham and CBFNC Welcome Network Director


Marc Wyatt
CBFNC Welcome House Raleigh Ministries Director and Retired CBF Field Personnel



CBFNC Statement on Immigration Policy Changes

Summary of Executive Orders Affecting Immigration 

Mass Deportation Explainer

CBFNC Welcome Network

Red Latina CBFNC

Resources for Immigrants

Emergency Preparedness for Those at Risk of Deportation-English

For advocates working with people at risk of deportation.


Emergency Preparedness for Those at Risk of Deportation-Spanish

Para defensores que trabajan con personas en riesgo de deportación.


Know Your Rights-English

What immigrant families should do now.


Know Your Rights-Spanish

Lo que las familias inmigrantes deben hacer ahora.


Red Card Template-English

For print-at-home cards explaining your rights.


Red Card Template-Spanish

Para tarjetas impresas en casa que expliquen sus derechos.

Resources for Churches

CBF Advocacy Sanctuary Resource

This resource will help educate your church about the history of Christian hospitality and sanctuary, to understand what it means to create a culture of sanctuary in your congregation, and to consider some practical ministries that will support immigrant populations around your church.


Baptist Joint Committee Sanctuary Resource

An introduction to some common questions churches are asking as they consider the practical and legal implications of providing sanctuary, including how free exercise of religion concerns may be weighed against the federal immigration law. This introduction is not legal advice and does not substitute for consultation with an attorney.


Baptist Joint Committee Santuarios-FAQ- Español

Se encuentra una introducción a varias preguntas comunes que hacen las iglesias mientras ellas toman en cuenta las implicaciones prácticas y jurídicas de ofrecer santuario,incluso cómo la libre expresión de la religión puede ser sopesada contra la ley federal de inmigración. Esta introducción no representa consejo jurídico ni puede ser sustituida por una consulta con un abogado.


Responding to ICE in Places of Worship


Warrants Overview for Churches


Recommendations for Churches Serving Immigrant Populations

Share Your Church's Information

CBF Global is collecting information about churches’ ministries with immigrants. If your congregation is involved in ministry with asylum seekers, immigrants or refugees in any way (either through explicit ministry initiatives or through programs that serve these groups as part of larger mission efforts), make us aware by completing the form below.  Your cooperation will help CBF Global and CBFNC, working together, to better serve you and our immigrant neighbors.

Fill Out The Form Here

Other Resources

Nonprofit Policy Update from NC Center for Nonprofits

This update shares the latest on a court ruling that allows federal agencies to continue making grant disbursements through next Monday, February 3, 2025 at 5 p.m.


Executive Orders Affecting Charitable Nonprofits
From the National Council for Nonprofits this analysis piece provides details on the impact to nonprofits of recent White House executive orders and federal agency changes.



Partner Refugee Resettlement Agencies

U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants North Carolina

World Relief-Durham

World Relief-Triad



The CBF has provided a resource page as well. Click here to learn more.