Ministry Networks
CBF Global’s Ministry Networks exist to provide support, encouragement, resources and conversation around similar passions and practices. These groups are made up of clergy and lay leaders from around the country. They are great resources for networking, sharing resources, ministry questions/advice and much more.
Children’s Ministry Network
This network exists to connect individuals who offer ministry to preschoolers, children and their families. The network currently has an active presence in a closed group on Facebook. It also meets annually at ChurchWorks! Conference.
Connect to the network on Facebook.
Learn more on the Children’s Ministry Network Page.
Youth Ministry Network
This network exists to support, encourage, and challenge those serving God and youth among the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. The network currently has an active presence in a closed group on Facebook. It also meets biennially at the Oasis Retreat.
Connect to the network on Facebook.
Learn more on the Youth Ministry Network Page.
CBF College/Young Adult Ministry Network
This network exists for the purpose of collaboration, resource sharing, and learning so that we might better love, minister among and serve college students and young adults.
Connect to the network on Facebook.
CBF Mission Leaders Network
This network is an interactive community of individuals, organizations and global churches united by the passion of creating beloved community, bearing witness to Jesus Christ, and seeking transformational development through: creating community around best mission practices, fostering cultures of mission engagement in congregations, coordinating endeavors and resources when possible, and birthing specific networks around topics and field teams.
Connect to the network on Facebook.
CBF Christian Educator’s Network
This network creates a space for conversation, resourcing, support, and sharing, and a way to connect persons who work in the area of Christian Education/Spiritual Formation.
Connect to the network on Facebook.