Church Resources

CBFNC cultivates a variety of resources for churches in our digital Resource Library, which is organized by topic.

Access the CBFNC Resource Library.


Legal Resources

CBFNC offers legal resources to partner churches, ministers and lay leaders through our legal resource partner, Jason Cogdill, attorney. Initial consultation services are now available at no cost to CBFNC partner churches and legal topics include:

●      Corporate formation & registration
●      Tax-exempt status & 501(c)(3) status
●      Church governance, including board of directors & by-laws (constitution)
●      Liability & insurance matters
●      Personnel advising (employment/HR functions)
●      Employee benefits & health insurance matters
●      Payroll & taxes
●      Privacy issues
●      Dispute resolution

To inquire about a legal consultation, email


Ministerial Resources

Peer Learning Groups

CBFNC partners with CBF Global to provide support for local ministers through Peer Learning Groups (PLG).  There are 15 PLG’s operating in North Carolina. This is an excellent way for ministers to learn from and connect with other ministers who share common ministry contexts (i.e., rural settings, multi-staff congregations, bi-professional ministers, etc.).  CBF Global offers financial support for PLGs.

For more information visit CBF’s website.

CBFNC offers matching funds for new and existing PLGs. For funding information for PLGs within CBFNC, please contact Kathryn Ashworth, ministry support manager, at


New Pastors Cohorts

The first years of pastoral ministry provide a rich context for what James Wind and David Wood describe as “reflective immersion,” that is, learning through reflection with peers and mentors on the actual practice of ministry. CBFNC’s Helping Pastors Thrive ministry offers cohorts for new pastors, which provides them the space and interaction essential to adaptive learning, while overcoming pastoral isolation, building and sustaining professional friendships, and engaging mentors who contribute to pastoral formation and identity.

New Pastors Cohorts are a two-year program that utilizes a small group model involving 6 – 8 new pastors and 2 – 3 pastoral mentors. The two-year cohort meets at regular intervals during the two-year program and includes four, two-night retreats at Saint Francis Springs Prayer Center in Stoneville, NC. Participants share the unique challenges from their own settings, explore the relationship between identity and practice, and delve into important topics with peers and mentors that inform effective leadership practices and enhance the arts of ministry.

Get more information HERE.



Are you a minister open to a new call? CBFNC’s ministerial transitions team is here to help you discover your next chapter in ministry. Learn more here.

Ministry Networks

CBF Global’s Ministry Networks exist to provide support, encouragement, resources and conversation around similar passions and practices. These groups are made up of clergy and lay leaders from around the country. They are great resources for networking, sharing resources, ministry questions/advice and much more.


Children’s Ministry Network

This network exists to connect individuals who offer ministry to preschoolers, children and their families. The network currently has an active presence in a closed group on Facebook. It also meets annually at ChurchWorks! Conference.

Connect to the network on Facebook.

Learn more on the Children’s Ministry Network Page.


Youth Ministry Network

This network exists to support, encourage, and challenge those serving God and youth among the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. The network currently has an active presence in a closed group on Facebook. It also meets biennially at the Oasis Retreat.

Connect to the network on Facebook.

Learn more on the Youth Ministry Network Page.


CBF College/Young Adult Ministry Network

This network exists for the purpose of collaboration, resource sharing, and learning so that we might better love, minister among and serve college students and young adults.

Connect to the network on Facebook.


CBF Mission Leaders Network

This network is an interactive community of individuals, organizations and global churches united by the passion of creating beloved community, bearing witness to Jesus Christ, and seeking transformational development through: creating community around best mission practices, fostering cultures of mission engagement in congregations, coordinating endeavors and resources when possible, and birthing specific networks around topics and field teams.

Connect to the network on Facebook.


CBF Christian Educator’s Network

This network creates a space for conversation, resourcing, support, and sharing, and a way to connect persons who work in the area of Christian Education/Spiritual Formation.

Connect to the network on Facebook.


Starting in 2009, under the leadership of Eddie Hammett, CBFNC launched a coach training program. Many ministry leaders received coach training as a way to enhance their leadership skills. Some went on to complete advanced training that enables them to provide coaching services for ministers, lay leaders and congregations.



Coaching is for lay and clergy who desire support to achieve one or more of these issues OR a coachable presenting issue for you or your church:

  • Meaningful focus for chaotic days;
  • Congregational mobilization and “meaning making” for chaotic days;
  • Prioritizing and balancing congregational care, congregational leadership and/or community engagement;
  • Creating and sustaining momentum for effective ministry;
  • Take meaningful action;
  • Move through analysis paralysis as a person, team or congregation;
  • Living into and from your ‘sacred genius’ sweet spot;
  • Living into your call and removing obstacles to living into your call as individuals or church;
  • Unpacking your ‘sacred burden’ (something that weighs on you as a part of your faith journey); and
  • Other issues of challenge, struggle or maximizing an opportunity.


CBFNC-trained coaches can help with these challenges and opportunities.  Each coach has been trained by CBFNC and has received their Associate Certification (ACC) from the International Coach Federation (ICF). Fees are negotiated with each coach and CBFNC after your first free exploration phone call with the coach.

Equip With CBF North Carolina