Friday Feature: Advent Planning in a Pandemic

By Seth Hix CBFNC Associate Coordinator For the past 32 weeks most of our CBFNC congregations have been worshiping in a virtual, hybrid or outdoor setting. These seven months have required church leaders and pastors to think creatively in planning worship services for Holy Week, Easter, Mother’s Day, graduation celebrations, communion, baby dedications, baptisms and…

Friday Feature: Everyone Make Some Room

By Mary Kaylor CBFNC Associate Coordinator About two weeks ago, Helen Reddy passed away. Many remember her as the Grammy winning ‘I Am Woman’ singer. Her words struck a chord with listeners, becoming a rallying cry for the women’s liberation movement and reaching the top of the Billboard Hot 100 at the end of 1972.…

A Vision For Welcome House-Conetoe

CBFNC’s new Welcome House Community Network  (WHCN) has a bold vision to establish new Welcome House ministries in every city and town across North Carolina.  The goal is to replicate and expand the existing Welcome House-Raleigh model that provides temporary housing and support services for immigrants and refugees in the Triangle region. WHCN seeks to provide…

Friday Feature: The Model of Love

By Wanda Kidd CBFNC Collegiate Engagement Coordinator Luke 18:16-17– “But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  Truly I tell you, anyone who does not receive the kingdom of God like a…

CBF of North Carolina Announces Welcome Ride

Watch The Video Announcement   Join the Journey for Home! -Inaugural fundraiser for the Welcome House Community Network- CBF of North Carolina announces “Welcome Ride 2020,” on October 9-12 as the inaugural fundraiser to jumpstart the Welcome House Community Network (WHCN).  Two weeks ago, CBFNC’s Coordinating Council adopted the WHCN as a bold new missions program of…

Friday Feature: Pandemic Waves

By Seth Hix CBFNC Associate Coordinator   In a noble attempt to engage a group of CBFNC pastors in yet another zoom call, the facilitator asked each person to offer one word to describe the past few months. As predicted, CBFNC pastors have some of the best words!  Disoriented; unsettled; adaptable; improvisation; resilient; uncharted. Each…