When war broke out in Ukraine, long-time CBF ministry partner organization Project Ruth, located in Bucharest, Romania, knew they had to respond. The team at Project Ruth that typically runs a school providing education to those affected by poverty, began transforming their space into a shelter for refugees from the war.
They also started preparing 4:7 Care Boxes and transporting them to the Ukrainian border. These boxes, which cost $44 to prepare, meet the caloric and protein needs for a family of four for seven days.
This fall, from October 27 to November 5, a team made up of clergy and lay leaders from across CBFNC life will be traveling to Bucharest to work with Project Ruth. While in Romania the team will purchase the food for, pack and transport 360 care boxes.
We ask for your prayers as our team prepares for this experience and hope you will follow along with our experience through our social media platforms.
Meet the Team
Meet the members of the CBFNC Romania Mission Immersion team below.