Bullock Named Triangle Area Campus Minister

CBF of North Carolina is proud to announce that Reverend Adrian Bullock has been hired as the Triangle area campus minister. Encompassing NC State, Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill, Adrian will manage the existing Cooperative Baptist Student Fellowship (CBSF) ministries, as well as cultivate new discipleship and leadership opportunities for undergraduate students. With support from two…

Meet the Romania Mission Immersion Team

When war broke out in Ukraine, long-time CBF ministry partner organization Project Ruth, located in Bucharest, Romania, knew they had to respond. The team at Project Ruth that typically runs a school providing education to those affected by poverty, began transforming their space into a shelter for refugees from the war. They also started preparing 4:7…

Stories of Our Fellowship

Welcome House Fayetteville In this video story, Susie Reeder, minister of missions at Snyder Memorial Baptist Church in Fayetteville, shares how this church has used its property for missions over the years. It started with a single mission house serving a variety of needs over the years. Then in 2021, that house became Welcome House…