Churches often find themselves in a time of transition upon the retirement, resignation, promotion or creation of a ministerial role.

Regardless of the reason for the ministerial shift, this time of change is critically important for the church and the minister. Ministerial transitions are a normal—even healthy—part of congregational life. Many opportunities for renewal and reformation arise amid a ministerial change within a church. 

We are here to walk with your congregation through this time of transition, offering guidance and help along the way.

Ministerial Transitions Icon - Churches

Before you begin this process, keep in mind:

Your church is not the same as it was the last time you looked for a minister.  We encourage all congregations to undertake a self-study process during an interim period. This is often best facilitated by an outside coach or facilitator for a fresh perspective. Regardless of how you decide to navigate your interim time, we strongly recommend that your search committee does not embark on this journey alone!

The landscape of ministry has changed dramatically in the past decade.  The Cooperative Baptist movement is well into its third decade of ministry and we have raised a new generation of pastoral leaders. The theological education, spiritual formation and vocational paths of young ministers are vastly different from even their most recent predecessors. This directly impacts how and where you might search for your next pastor.


To begin the process with us, a church representative should complete the First Steps form, allowing us to populate your information in our confidential database.

Churches - First Steps Button


After receiving your First Steps submission, you will be contacted by a member of our Ministerial Transitions team to learn more about your church’s situation. 

Because every ministerial transition is different, CBFNC offers a variety of options to engage with your church. Whether you would like a one-time visit to orient your search committee to this sacred work, or you prefer to have one of our trained ministerial transition coaches* walk with you throughout the process, we are prepared to assist your congregation within the context of your unique circumstances.

Examples of the ways we can assist your church include:

  • Getting a Pastor Search Team Organized 
  • Pastor Search Training 
  • Church and Community Profile
  • Congregational Assessment
  • Congregational Survey/Conversation
  • Finding an Interim Pastor
  • Ministry Job Board (Advertise jobs HERE)
  • Compensation Negotiation
  • New Pastor Coaching
  • Welcoming a New Minister
  • Attend a Minister Search Process Conversation (Learn more HERE)


  • Job Posting Network (here)
  • Does Our Church Need an Interim Minister? (here)
  • Recruiting an Interim Minister (here)
  • Tips on Ways to Interview Candidates (here)
  • Communication Planning (here)
  • Basics of Clergy Pay (here)
  • Attend a Minister Search Process Conversation (Learn more here)
  • Ministers’ Compensation Guide (here)
  • Download Church Transitions Brochure (here)
  • CBF’s Equally Called age-graded Sunday school resource (here)
Request an Interim


To move this process to a deeper level, please complete the Next Steps form, allowing us to create a unique profile around your church’s core values, vision, demographics, congregational profile and ministerial position profile.

**Please do not fill out this form if you have not had an initial conversation with the Ministerial Transitions team and completed the First Steps form**

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Schedule a conversation with the CBFNC’s Ministerial Transition Team HERE or call 336.759.3456. 


Equip With CBFNC