On April 7, 2022, the CBF of North Carolina (CBFNC) Coordinating Council voted unanimously to call Rev. Andrew (Andy) Hale to fill the role of Associate Executive Coordinator (AEC). Andy currently serves as senior pastor of University Baptist Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Prior to serving that church, he was founding pastor of Mosaic Church in Clayton, NC, a CBFNC-sponsored new church start. While there, he also served as New Church Starts coordinator for CBF Global.
The AEC position is not new for CBFNC but it has been redesigned with a two-fold focus. The first focus will be to partner with Executive Coordinator Larry Hovis to provide overall leadership to CBFNC’s three major ministry areas: Equipping Churches and Ministers; Embracing Neighbors through Missions; and Engaging Students and Young Adults. The second focus will be to lead CBFNC in expanding the Engage ministries beyond existing campus ministries to include developing new faith communities among young adults.
“I am incredibly humbled and honored to step into this new role, serving alongside brilliant colleagues and the faithfulness of North Carolina Cooperative Baptist churches. I do not take lightly the Coordinating Council’s faith in my experience and skills to be a part of enhancing the work of this fellowship. I look forward to listening to the stories of our numerous churches, congregational leaders and clergy, while amplifying their excellent work as we partner together in transforming God’s world. The adventure forward is exciting as we cultivate creative new approaches and nuance existing opportunities for equipping, embracing and engaging people for the Kingdom,” said Andy.
He also shared, “The CBFNC community has been one of the most vital catalysts of my formation as a follower of Jesus and minister. This fellowship was the first to affirm my sense of calling to start a church and provided immeasurable resources to help make us successful. I am forever indebted to their investment in my calling and vocational journey. I hope my investment in our churches and congregational leaders will leverage many others to thrive,”
The recommendation to call Andy to this position came from CBFNC’s officers who also serve as the Council’s personnel committee, including Jeff Harris, Tryon; Becky Keesler, Mount Airy; Stacy Nowell, Huntersville; Gina Brock, Winston-Salem; and Jason Cogdill, Pfafftown.
“I am excited to welcome Andy to our staff team. Andy is no stranger to CBFNC. He is creative, innovative and extremely hard working. His experience as a church starter and as pastor of a multi-staff church make him well-equipped to strengthen our staff team and our ministries to existing congregations of all sizes. In addition, he will help us start new faith communities, which is essential to reaching young adults and others that are currently beyond the orbit of most congregations. Andy brings the right combination of skills and experience to join us at this critical moment in the history of our fellowship,” said Larry Hovis, CBFNC executive coordinator.
“Andy brings a unique set of gifts and experiences, as well as a collegial spirit, that will enhance the mission of CBFNC. We are grateful to welcome him back home to North Carolina,” said Jeff Harris, CBFNC moderator and pastor of First Baptist, Tryon.
“Andy is such a unique fit for this significant, much-needed role and I’m so pleased that God is leading him back to CBFNC. No other person has the constellation of talents Andy brings to the table, both to assist Larry in strategic leadership for CBFNC, while providing particular leadership to its emerging ministry to young adults. It’s a providential match,” said Stacy Nowell, moderator-elect and senior pastor of First Baptist, Huntersville.
“It is exciting to welcome Andy back to North Carolina. He brings a passion for CBFNC, a heart for ministry and a unique skill set to guide us as we seek new avenues for young adult ministry,” said Becky Keesler, lay leader at First Baptist, Mount Airy.
Andy is a double graduate of Campbell University with a B.A. in Christian Studies and an M. Div. in Pastoral Care with Languages. He is currently pursuing a Doctor of Leadership and Global Perspective with a focus on Congregational Thriving through George Fox University’s Portland Seminary. Andy is also a graduate of the CBF Fellows Program and the Center for Congregational Health’s Young Leaders Program.
As native North Carolinians, Andy and his wife Jennifer are excited to return to their home state with their two daughters Madison (10) and Aubrey-Anna (7).
Andy will begin in his new role at CBFNC on June 1, 2022.
About CBF of North Carolina
CBF of North Carolina is a fellowship of individuals and churches partnering in ministry so that all people may know and believe that they and those around them are loved by God. As a trusted ministry partner to local churches, CBFNC is committed to serving Jesus Christ, preserving historic Baptist freedoms and calling out God’s gifts in Christians and churches to engage in ministry in our state and world. Based in Winston-Salem, CBFNC collaborates with the larger Cooperative Baptist Fellowship network.