CBFNC Executive Coordinator Larry Hovis has joined with other CBF state and regional leadership to issue the following statement:
A Response to Violence at The United States Capitol by CBF State and Regional Coordinators
As Baptist Leaders who represent a rich tradition of faith, freedom and responsibility, we urge all Christians in this time of violent actions and national political upheaval to pray and work for peace and the common good. To that end, we condemn all vain invocations of the name of Jesus or Christian Scriptures and symbols. Christian Nationalism and white supremacy are antithetical to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We pray for de-escalation and repentance of the use of violence to accomplish political objectives.
We pray for unity in our country that comes from respect, good will and trust. We serve a God who in Jesus Christ brings true reconciliation and hope in a broken world.
We amplify the words of Jesus, “Blessed are the peacemakers,” and pray that faithful Christians will stand with courage and embrace Christ’s calling at this defining moment.
Bob Fox, CBF Kentucky
Rick Bennett, Tennessee CBF
Larry Hovis, CBF of North Carolina
Terry Maples, CBF of Virginia
Jeff Langford, CBF Heartland
Rick McClatchy, CBF of Texas
Terri Byrd, Alabama CBF
Kyle Kelley, CBF of Louisiana
Ray Higgins, CBF of Arkansas
Ray Johnson, Florida CBF
Jody Long, CBF of Georgia
Phyllis Boozer, Baptist Fellowship Of The Northeast
Glen Foster, CBF West
Sean Roberds, MidAtlantic CBF
Marv Knox, Fellowship Southwest
Steve Graham, CBF of Oklahoma
Jay Kieve, CBF of South Carolina
Jim and Susan Crumpler, North Central Region CBF
Jason Coker, CBF of Mississippi