The 2022 CBFNC Annual Business Meeting will take place during General Session #2 at Annual Gathering on Friday, March 18 at 1:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary at Trinity Baptist Church and online. Those participating in Annual Gathering online this year will be provided with a link and text information for voting on the proposed Mission and Ministry Funding Plan.
Mission and Ministry Funding Plan
CBFNC is grateful for the faithful, generous support of our fellowship. In spite of the challenges posed by two years of a global pandemic, CBFNC’s financial health remains strong. The proposed 2022-2023 Mission and Ministry Funding Plan maintains a level of spending that has been in place since 2020.
The 2022-2023 proposed MMFP is noteworthy for several reasons:
Income Sources – Churches supply the lion’s share of CBFNC’s income. However, other income sources are growing significantly as many churches are unable to give at the same levels as in the past. These non-church income sources include: individuals, grants, investment earnings, sponsorships and fees. The 2022-2023 proposed MMFP includes funding from all of these sources.
Partners – Partner ministries are distributed among CBFNC’s four major ministry priorities. Allocations were developed by CBFNC’s Partnership Development Committee, based on several factors: alignment with CBFNC identity and values; partner reports; historical precedent; and maximum percentage of partner budget (25%). CBFNC’s support for partners is noteworthy for several reasons:
- The 2022-2023 MMFP includes $1,028,500 for partners and their ministries. This amount is 46% of undesignated church contributions to CBFNC during 2021.
- CBFNC gives as much to partners as all other CBF organizations combined (Global and other state/regional CBF organizations).
- In addition to budgeted amounts, CBFNC passed through $94,061 in designated gifts to partners in 2021.
Personnel – Most CBFNC staff costs are actually classified as ministry expenses. Still, personnel costs are only 30% of the total, a very low ratio among churches and non-profit organizations.
The Coordinating Council unanimously recommends the 2022-2023 Mission and Ministry Funding Plan for adoption during the business session of the Annual Gathering.
Click HERE to view the 2022–2023 Mission and Ministry Funding Plan.
Nominating Team Report
In accordance with the CBFNC Bylaws, the Nominating Team has worked prayerfully and diligently to assemble this year’s slate of nominees for the Coordinating Council and Ministry Teams. The Nominating Team humbly presents this roster for your consideration.
Click HERE for the full slate of proposed Team members.