Advent Series: Love

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life” (John 3:16) I took a quick tour through the Baptist Hymnal (1991) in the sections labeled “Advent” and “Birth.” I was curious as to which words showed up…

Advent Series: Proclaim

“When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child,” (Luke 2:17). Even though we Baptists have learned to join the larger Christian church and observe Advent during the four weeks leading up to Christmas, most of us don’t really wait until December 25 to celebrate the…

Gifts Bags of Welcome

Embracing vulnerable neighbors right here in our own communities has been the mission priority for CBFNC and our churches for over five years now.   Especially during Advent, it’s quite common for CBFNC staff to field questions from church leaders across the state looking for alternatives to some of the larger, more well-known Christmas mission opportunities.…

Advent Series: Repent

“John the baptizer appeared in the wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (Mark 1:4) Who are your favorite characters in the Christmas story? Shepherds, wise men, the holy family, maybe even Elizabeth or Zechariah? I bet you didn’t name John the Baptist. Yet John is a central character in the…

Advent Series: Prepare

“A voice cries out: ‘In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord…” (Isaiah 40:3) In a normal year, our family’s preparation for Christmas involves several elements: Retrieving Christmas decorations from the attic Thanksgiving weekend and adorning every room in our house with Kim’s magic decorating touch. Sharing gift lists with extended family members and making…

Friday Feature: Remembering Robert

From the Nov-Dec issue of Nurturing Faith Journal By Larry Hovis, CBFNC executive coordinator   As I was growing up in the same town as my widowed grandmother who lived with her two sisters, these three women exerted a profound influence on my father, my sister and me. To earn a living, my grandmother ran…

Nominations Needed

At the CBFNC Annual Business Meeting earlier this year, participants approved changes to the Bylaws that will create 14 ministry teams to lead CBFNC ministries in collaboration with the Coordinating Council and CBFNC staff. The Nominating Team is requesting recommendations for positions related to these teams. You may recommend yourself or someone else. To submit a…